sponsored by The Boston Foundation

CommonWealth Voices aims to be a beacon of robust discourse, offering a platform for analysis and advocacy on the challenges and aspirations of political life in Massachusetts. 

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Unitarians turn empty office space into shelter

We hope others in similar situations respond similarly

With all the public and private resources invested in office space and commercial development in the past generation, yet high vacancy rates forecasted for the foreseeable future, surely there can be more creative uses for spaces like ours to meet this moment.

Taking a break from health care

‘The last few years have been brutal … But I can’t imagine leaving the field’

Despite its many challenges, Massachusetts health care remains the best in the world.  It has the best institutions, the best thinkers, and the best government leaders. 

City Year is now on the Common App

Americorps members learn skills and about themselves doing public service

What do City Year AmeriCorps members learn? Among the most important and lasting lessons is leadership. It’s the confidence that they possess what it takes to lead others and the perseverance to solve problems. It’s often an invaluable self-realization of their potential.

We’re closing the digital divide, but more needs doing

Free WiFi dramatically increases internet use in affordable housing

Massachusetts has more than 160,000 units of income-restricted housing. According to a study published last fall by MassINC and the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership, these properties disproportionately house residents who lack high-speed internet.

Cruel practice of declawing cats should be illegal

It’s estimated 1 in 4 cats are declawed in the US

Onychectomy, the declawing procedure, is the surgical amputation of all or part of a cat’s third phalanges (toe bones) and the attached claws. Owners typically declaw their cats to prevent the scratching of both furniture and people.


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