Posted inEducation

Sex education in the land of the Puritans

THE NORTHAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL student union surveyed students last year, asking them what they thought were the school’s biggest problems. “We got a lot of people saying sex ed,” said 16-year-old Brynt Goggins in a story by the Daily Hampshire Gazette that suggested students across Hampshire County are dissatisfied with the way sex education is […]

Posted inEducation

A recipe for success for new Boston superintendent

SCHOOL HAS JUST finished, with teachers and students alike having engaged in the usual end of year rituals: cleaning out desks and classrooms, reflecting on successes and lost opportunities, and saying goodbye to friends and mentors until next year. The end of June will also lead to a new beginning however: the arrival of Dr. […]

Posted inOpinion

Where do charters fit in ed funding debate?

AT THE STATE LEGISLATURE’S early-spring Joint Committee on Education hearing on various proposed K-12 funding bills, the stories from scores of school districts were depressingly familiar. New Bedford is facing layoffs of teachers, custodians, nurses, and counselors. Lowell is looking at increased class sizes, lost programs and paraprofessionals, and deferred building maintenance and technology upgrades. […]

Posted inEducation

Funding plus reform right equation for education legislation

NOTWITHSTANDING JOHN ADAMS’S almost sacred words enshrined in the Massachusetts Constitution, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was a Johnny come lately with respect to state aid to education, with its earliest efforts being enacted after World War II. In 1993, we changed all that, recommitting in earnest to Adams’s great dictate that the Commonwealth’s government “cherish” […]

Posted inEducation

A Swift return

IT’S BEEN A long time since Jane Swift left the public stage, retreating home to Western Massachusetts after a rocky 21-month tenure as governor. Just how much time has passed? Earlier this month the twin daughters she delivered a month after being handed the gubernatorial reins — making history and national headlines as the first […]

Posted inOpinion

Dartmouth’s link to today’s college oversight bills

SMALL COLLEGES continue to teeter, some to fall.  Their students have suffered. The Legislature has taken note:  60 members have filed “An Act Relative to Education Transparency,” which requires “Massachusetts colleges and universities . . . public and private” to “produce annually a report on their fiscal health and stability.”  Failure to produce is punishable […]