Posted inPolitics

Warren downplays ‘do or die’ Super Tuesday

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN knows that Super Tuesday is “a big deal” with the large number of delegates at stake in the Democratic presidential race, but she declined to say whether Tuesday is “do or die” for her campaign. “Today is just part of getting out and talking to people all across this country and hearing […]

Posted inPolitics

The debaters and the teacher

IT STARTED WHEN former Housing and Urban Development secretary Julián Castro questioned Joe Biden’s memory over what he had said minutes before about automatically enrolling uninsured people into a Medicare-type program. Castro appeared to have either misunderstood or misheard what Biden said,  but pundits are interpreting the exchange as an attack on the former vice […]

Posted inThe Download

The debaters and the teacher

It started when former Housing and Urban Development secretary Julián Castro questioned Joe Biden’s memory over what he had said minutes before about automatically enrolling uninsured people into a Medicare-type program. Castro appeared to have either misunderstood or misheard what Biden said,  but pundits are interpreting the exchange as an attack on the former vice […]

Posted inPolitics

Warren targeted by former donor

ED RENDELL got his money’s worth. The former Pennsylvania governor co-chaired a couple fundraisers for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s 2018 re-election bid, and also donated a total of $4,500 to her campaign. While those sums hardly let Rendell call the shots, they add some crucial attention-grabbing heft to the Keystone State Democrat’s claim that Warren is now […]

Posted inThe Download

Warren targeted by former donor

Ed Rendell got his money’s worth. The former Pennsylvania governor co-chaired a couple fundraisers for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s 2018 re-election bid, and also donated a total of $4,500 to her campaign. While those sums hardly let Rendell call the shots, they add some crucial attention-grabbing heft to the Keystone State Democrat’s claim that Warren is […]

Posted inPolitics

Warren’s wobbly week

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN certainly was able to grab hold of a good chunk of the news cycle in recent days, something not easy to pull off in the era of near-constant chaos and outrageous pronouncements from the White House. Whether it will redound to her benefit is another matter. Warren’s rollout of DNA test results […]